The Lab is the most complete repository of study/practice materials for advanced Data Science and Quantitative Finance.
The Lab is constantly updated across Theory, Case studies, Code, Animations, Slides.
Theory Comprehensive advanced reference in Data Science and Quantitative Finance
Case studies Applications of all theory items
Code Python running in your browser, no installation needed
Animations Voiced over clips to visualize the intuition
Slides Summary decks with the key messages
Proofs Step by step, for all the analytical results
Exercises Test your knowledge
Quant Bootcamp
The Quant Bootcamp is the most comprehensive overview course in advanced Data Science and Quantitative Finance.
You can attend onsite or live streaming.
Program 4+2 days, comprehensive curriculum + world-renown guest speakers
Reviews Alumni's voices about the Quant Bootcamp
FAQs Who is it for? How do I pay (less)?
Quant Marathon
The Quant Marathon is the most advanced program in Data Science and Quantitative Finance.
You can follow the whole program or individual courses.
Program 6 courses in parallel over one semester, repeated twice a year
Courses All-encompassing, mutually exclusive, in-depth
Benefits Lab for life, flexibility, free Quant Bootcamp...
Reviews Alumni's voices about the Quant Marathon
Overview: All offerings: Quant Bootcamp, Quant Marathon, single courses, Lab and Certification.
Buy Lab: Lifetime access 1 year access
Buy Quant Bootcamp: Live streaming Live onsite
Buy Quant Marathon: Full Quant Marathon Data Science bundle Quantitative Finance bundle
Buy Certification: 2-project package 1 project (DS or QF)
Flexible payment plan
(*) Not all guest lectures are recorded
Refund policy